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How much is a standard two car garage?The honest truth is that there is no such thing as a “standard” garage. One two car garage can vary from another by hundreds of square feet. Some will have damp concrete, some will have extra soft concrete, some will be very pitted and cracked, and some will have expansion boards. There are countless other factors that may complicate the install or call for special techniques or products. For this reason, we send a coatings specialist to measure and assess the conditions present to determine the best product and procedure to ensure your coating lasts a lifetime.
Is this epoxy?There are many pros and cons to each polymer blend that our coatings specialists can explain in-depth during your consultation. Apex Concrete Coating Solutions specializes in polyurea and polyaspartic flooring systems that are much better suited to handle the heavy abuse of vehicle tires. These products and our expert installation techniques are what sets us above the competition.
Is this weather dependent?Yes, we will responsibly postpone your install if conditions are not favorable. We understand that postponing an install may be frustrating if you have already taken steps to clear the work area, but trust us, it will not be nearly as frustrating as a floor failure due to improper installation conditions. Apex will make sure those conditions are met so there are no complications down the road.
How long does it take to cure?The exact cure time will depend slightly on the temperature and the exact products used. As a general rule, polyurea floor coatings are installed in one day and cure 24 hours after the install crew leaves. This means all belongings and cars can be brought back onto the floor the following evening. Your lead installer will advise you on your wait times based on the conditions present during install.
How long does this last?Our polyurea products are warrantied for 15 years in a residential setting. The clear coat is specifically guaranteed to never yellow or fade in the sunlight. We expect the coating to far outlast the warranty period. Polyurea bonds aggressively to concrete and does not become brittle over time like epoxy. It is very likely that a few different cars will park on this floor over its lifetime!
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